Sunday, March 21, 2010

5 words of 21st march, 2010

1. glib


speaking or spoken in a confident way, but without careful thought or honesty

eg: When my class used to ask any question from one of my unintelligent teacher then he used to give long, wrong and glib answer and after listening to that answer my class used to forget question even.

2. handy


easy to use

eg: In last few days, I've noticed that "Oxford" is a handy dictionary as compare to "longman- dictionary".

3. Ill at ease


feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed

eg: Yesterday in marriage, I didn't feel ill at ease at all while dancing continuously for 2 hours.

4. turbulent

tur + bu + lent

involving a lot of sudden changes, arguments or violence

eg: Marriage which I attended yesterday was little bit turbulent for me and my friends because of a brawl between us and some boozy persons who disturbed us while we were dancing.

5. Fizzle out

verbal phrase

to gradually become less successful and end in a disappointing way:

eg: Those friends who don't post their examples are fizzling out this account (Lets Improve our vocabulary).

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